Fun game, but too greedy

User Rating: 2 | WWE: Champions - Free Puzzle RPG AND

Game starts with nice tutorial, and some keyfabe.
It teaches you some basic moves. From time to time, it will spam some tutorials, but nothing too bad, really.
To start with good stuff.
Game is fun and intuitive, sometimes, it's just completely random, and you decimate your opponent in one or 2 moves, without problems.
But that's where the good stuff ends, honestly.
I was trying to play game, and get to the end content. It doesn't allow you to do that for free.
There are just too many factors, that demands money from you. One important thing before I begin, game has around 165 characters, which is impressive. (this info is going to be useful later)
First, when you have a normal match, you will lose a lot of health, and you have to replenish it with med packs. You get only about 20 of these a day. If you play a mid level character, you will usually use 2 to make him able to fight again. If he's injured, 3 med packs.
To buy a bundle of 20-35 med packs costs 5$.
Second, you have three factors that you have to upgrade so your character can progress to another tier.
Overall level is paid in coins (soft currency), and it usually costs a lot.
Moves upgrade is paid in TP (Training points/posters), and after some time, it demands two-three weeks grind so you can upgrade one move, on one character. If any other character uses same color, and you acidentaly upgrade it, your grind work is dead. Start over.
Tier upgrade demands tokens. Tokens are the rarest thing in the game. Once you get your fighter to the level 50, it will demand 5 or 6 rare tokens, that are rarer than the Holly Grail.
Once you meet all demands, you can upgrade ONE character. One. Now imagine having 165 characters.
While there, game allows you to get one common character, once a week, if you grind. They've just set the limit for it. A rare, or epic character, once a MONTH if you grind. I've bought about 3 of them in 2 months of daily grind (about 8 hrs a day, med packs limit). Third one was paid in premium currency, because I was hoarding it like crazy, just so I can get a rare wrestler.
Also, to unlock new character costs 500 cash (premium currency), or 5$ again.
Level up pack costs 20$
To rush your character to the top costs 100$.
Game does allow you to skip everything, and just go to the top for 100$.
Last, but really the worst thing is "PVP".
I've put quotation, because there's no actual PVP. You play against AI. They didn't even want to bother with networking.
But that's not even the worst thing.
Atrocious thing is that, you get to choose 3 opponents that you can fight! It's pure gamble, every time.
You may get much, much weaker opponent, or much, much stronger opponent. It's not common thing to get someone with similar power. Common thing is to get 3 much, much stronger opponents, that will decimate you in one or two moves, and that's it. Start over. Or, wait for someone to defeat you while AI takes it for you, and you will get new opponent. Nice.
In conclusion, if developers were not so greedy, and in demand for real money, so you can just play the game, it would be enjoyable experience.
I was playing it for about 40 days, and just gave up in the end.
Not worth it.
All the greediness destroys the good ideas, and intuitive mechanics.
I still recommend the game. It's fun, but until day 20.
Thanks for reading.