Pros:Good graphicsalot of moves finally done right(edges spear)better A.i Cons:Everything esle(we need more modes

User Rating: 8.1 | WWE Day of Reckoning 2 GC
i heard the cube doesn't have enough disc space to make DoR2 like smackdown mode wise.. what a crock of horse manuwer..resident evil uses 2 cds why doesn't yuke. if its more money im sure if the game is good no1 would mine payin 10$ more.. the story mode is the worse mode in the game.. You have to use a created wrestler.. then whats the point of puttin in wwe wrestlers??Ive neva uses a created player ...the ladder match is ok same with the hell in the cell(still missing a door)last man standing is a good mode but wtf.. how about the elimination chamber,battle royal etc..) we don't get those modes but we get bra and panties wow!! give this title back to AKi atleast they aren't ps2 fanboys.. everything any1 ask for them to fix it seems they do it for the ps2 and use the DoR as test dummies.after playin this u will notice yukes cut massive corners (look @ the entrances and the robotic walk) either make it a 2 cd game or don't waste ya time and our money with is updated DoR Omg i almost forgot the 2nd worse thing about DOR@ the stamina meter...its funny how on the ps2 all u gotta do is press one button to gain ya stamina back but on the cube the stamina meter is uses and stupid and there way of making the matches 3x as long..Prove how much of a fanboy yukes really is