Amazing, just amazing!

User Rating: 9 | WWE Day of Reckoning 2 GC
So when i saw this game i thought it would be a bad game. After playing it, it quickly became my favorite WWE game of ALL TIME!

I will start off this review with the good stuff

The Good-

I really liked this game. I enjoyed it a lot. Here is everything that i loved about this game. First off, this game had the best and i mean the BEST submission of any WWE game or for any wrestling game for that matter. The submission system was fairly simple. Much easier than the ones in the newer games. The submission system consisted of 4 total catagories: Submit, Drain, Taunt and Rest hold. Each one did a specific thing to your your superstar after a sucessful submission. To use the submission system all you do is use the C-Stick and point in the direction of each catagorie. If your opponent picks the same catagory as you he breaks the hold but if he guesses wrong then the hold goes on into a simple Button smashing game and all you do is tap the button A repeatedly. I liked this system because it kept you thinking and guessing, it actually made submissions fun. Another thing i loved was the momentum shift, that was so realistic. If you were doing terrible in a match you got a momentum shift and reversed your guys and opponents spirit levels. Create an entrance was fun and innovative, it was fun.

Now i'm putting gameplay in the middle because it has some Pros and Cons. The Pros of it is that its very unpredictable sometimes. Now onto the Cons. The gameplay is also VERY jumpy at times and glitchy. Most of the time diving attacks never connect. People are able to break up your moves. Yes, if someone is doing a suplex and someone else comes by them they can literaly punch the person doing the suplex and then those 2 people will just fall its weird. The gameplay can be very fast at times and very slow too. But it wasnt too bad

The only Con i have for this game is Create a wrestler ( CAW ). It was terrible, everytime i created someone they looked so akward you could only have a certain amount of stuff it was just bad.

Overall the game is great and is my favorite WWE game ever!