DOR is back and with a atti2de! Yeah, I know that was corny!
-Too much like the previous DOR. It seems they've only fixed some bugs and added a bit of new stuff, but other than that, it's almost the same.
-Wrestling attire is still incomplete/wrong
-There are a few really annoying bugs
ex 1. If your character gets hit and bleeds, sometimes a glitch will occur and you won't be able to move or attack until someone hits you with a striking attack (grapples don't work). Otherwise you'll just stand there looking dumb and unable to do anything, but reverse.
ex 2. Sometimes the CPU will stand there and do nothing! They just stand motionless and it seems as if they are analyzing the situation.
-Loading times are horrible in CAW
-Still no Elimination Chamber, Battle Royal (Royal Rumble expect with pins and submissions) or Elimination Match (Not Last Man Standing, but actual elimination matches)
-No Season Mode (This would have increased the replay value)
-The legends aren't really legends except for Bret Hart and Hulk Hogan
The story is alright, but not presented well. There's a better roster, but nothing great. The graphics are much better as well as the sound.
Overall it is the best choice for wrestling fans that only have a Gamecube!