While its got the feel of the old Wrestlemania, the crappy controls and the simularaty of SDVS.R 2009 make this a rental
The Bad: Feels like smackdown VS. raw 2009 with a different theme. Poor controls make the gameplay boring. Bad music. The diva clothes they give you even though you cant create a diva. Over exageratedmodels.
THQ has always made a game that got a positive review(or at least a 7)from me, But the latest game ,Legends of Wrestlemania, Uses almost every thing from smackdown VS, RAW 2009, took out highlight reel,the Divas,create a finisher,and through in the same engine with a set of crappy controls,and over exagerated character models.
Wow what a "dream come true"
The "simplafied" control scheme maps moves to the X,A,B,and Y buttons. But instead of simplafing it, they just made it worse and confusing. Attack is X, grab is A, Action,or pin is B, and Y is .... i really dont remember but i really dont care.They made the finisher X+A. A very dumb choice.
The graphics are the same as WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009, But everybody has these balooned up muslces . Its wierd after you just seen a video back when of hulk hogan of what he REALLY looked like, and when the game starts he looked like he just used a whole pack of steriods.Then the Create a superstar( legend in this game.) is all recyceld from WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009. While in my review of WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009, I said it was pretty good. Its bad in here because to make it look big they give diva outfits.
Im screaming with "joy".
Over all, this seems like an uneccasary version of WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009, and feels like it should of been an add on. If you go to your former game store and come across legends of the wrestlemania, look at the case for a few, then walk away and pick up SmackDown vs. Raw 2009, or better yet,pick up SmackDown vs. Raw 2010, and (maybe) rent legends of the wrestlemania .