A fun now-and-then arcade-style wrestling game
GAMEPLAY - The gameplay is pretty basic. Basically all you have are impact and grapple moves, along with attacks from the top rope. You only have a handful of each, so don't expect a lot of variety in your matches. Gimmick matches feel very tacked-on and aren't much different from regular matches. You are able to create your own legends, but you have to take them through Legend Killer mode to improve their stats, and all that is is fighting opponent after opponent with no story behind it. The best part of this game is the Wrestlemania Tour mode, where you can relive, rewrite, or redefine matches. The relive ones are the only ones that are really worth mentioning, and are actually quite challenging. There aren't very many, however, and all you can do is go back and replay them again afterwords. There really isn't a lot here, but what there is can be fun on a limited basis. - 7.5/10
STORY - I won't be grading here since there isn't a story mode or anything.
GRAPHICS - The graphics are very similar to SvR 2009. In fact, did I mention you can copy every SvR 2009 superstar on here along with your created ones? The Legends of Wrestlemania wrestlers are a bit more animated than their SvR 2009 counterparts, and some might complain that they don't look life-like. This didn't really bother me, nor did the fact that most of the arenas are very similar in appearance. Overall not too bad of graphics, just nothing outstanding. - 7.5/10
SOUND - Pretty much every legend's theme music is here, which is pretty cool. There is also a lot more on the announcers' part as far as what they say, which is a plus. In-ring sounds are still kind of lackluster, however. - 7.5/10
LENGTH/REPLAY VALUE - Very short game. I platinumed this in under 24 hours, just to give you an idea. Once you've platinumed this, you really don't want to play it anymore either. It's one of those games that's fun to break out if you and your wrestling buddies get together every once in awhile, but it's nothing you're going to want to play often. All the matches feel the same, and for one trophy you actually have to fight every single legend in the game back-to-back, and I was burned-out after that. - 4/10
BOTTOM LINE - This isn't going to be the game you go to when you want to have a fun wrestling match. Especially if you like having your own roster of CAWs. I prefer Smackdown vs Raw to this in many ways. The only thing this game gives that SvR doesn't is that nostalgia from famous matches of the past. Really though, if you're like me and want a good wrestling simulator rather than a decent arcade game, stick with Smackdown vs Raw. - 6.5/10