What 'cha gonna do when WWE Legends of Wrestlemania run wild on youuuu, BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But I do like this game, it was one of the better Wrestling game with an Arcade sort-of feeling to it, I like this game for other reasons too.
But first I would like to give some advice, if you ever are in need of a finisher or need Energy, you can Fight with the Chain Stuggles, the way to do a Chain Stuggle you first have to get your Opponent groggy, and then you either got to pick your opponent up by pressing the X button + away from your opponent, then once he is up, press the X button then just press the button that flashes on the screen, this should get you going on the way to getting closer to your Finisher, and to get health back you can taunt by pressing down button + triangle + O, that should help alot too, and the only thing is that will Take away some of your finisher enegry bar.
But that is all for the tips, but now on to more of the review, I liked all 20 of the trophies for this game, I will say that the hardest trophy to get was the Hidden one called King-of-Kings trophy.
I like also this game cause of they have Classic Wrestlers in matches that WWE has now, like the Hell in a Cell.
Thank for Reading my Review.