Fan of the Warrior and Hulkster Era? Then Buy It!
Tip: The 2009 S Vs R is already on the Legends disk, it is only unlocked if you have saved data from S v R 2009. So if you don't like S v R 2009, then borrow one or buy a used one and return it once you have unlocked the S v R guys.
I wish that other classic Legends were available, such as:
Powers of Pain
Giant Gonzalez
Razor Ramon
Mick Fuley (why in the hell is he not in here?)
Tag Team Trio Demolition
Also, the Relive, Rewrite, Redfine mode should have been extended for each match to include the option to alter things further. More classic battle Wrestlemania matches should have been added.
Story Mode: Yukes should of had a story mode with the characters, back room interviews that go totally wrong and brake out into brawls, etc.
Controls: Simple. Personally I would of like to have the control scheme from S v R 2007 along with the dramatic camera antics when performing a Finisher in 2007.
Downloadable Content: Well, hopefully THQ fully supports this title and fixes some of the minor issues that people are complaining about and add more stars from the old days.
Roster: Nearly 70+ Guys available? Combine the roster of S v R 2009 and Legends and you get a whopping amount of people to play! :)
Final: I am totally happy with this purchase and any old school fan will love this game!! It is very fun and exciting tag teaming with friends and reliving the more exciting days of wrestling.