Great roster does not mean great game.....

User Rating: 6 | WWE Legends of WrestleMania PS3
WWE Legends of Wrestlemania is stacked with the best roster of any wrestling game ever. You will see familiar faces such as: Hulk Hogan, The Ultimate Warrior, Ravishing Rick Rude, Brutus the Barber Beefcake, and more. So here is the big question. Is the wrestling game with the best roster ever, the best wrestling game ever?

Graphics - 7/10

Well lets start with the good. The character models are absolutely amazing. Every bit of detail is displayed with such precision. The best looking models that I seen are: The Warrior, Kamala, Hulk Hogan, and Andre The Giant. Though most of the wrestlers are more buff than their real life counterparts. Blood, sweat, and tears glisten on the screen......Well maybe not tears.

And now for the bad. The rest of the game looks like garbage. The crowd is so pitiful that I am pretty sure my NES had better looking graphics. The crowd up front looks like a washed out PS1 game. When the camera zooms out the crowd looks like its in 8bit mode. Obviously this was to focus more on character detail but good googly moogly does the crowd look bad. Other than that there is really nothing else to look at. All the venues look the same and the entrances lack most of the cool effects that you would see on TV.

Sound - 5/10

Lets start with the announcers. Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler do the commentary just like they do for all the other WWE games. And yes they still suck.
All of the wrestlers have their full length intro music which sounds fantastic over the 5.1 speakers. Thats basically it for your sounds.

Gameplay - 7/10

The controls are pretty simple. Grapple with X and press the right thumb stick in a direction to perform a move. Hold X for a more powerful move. Square is your punch and triangle is your reversal and block.
The game offers many types of matches such as:
The Royal Rumble (6 fighters in ring at a time)
Tag Team
and many more.
You can take the fights to the outsid of the ring if you like where you can perform special moves. Toss your opponent in to the stairs, body slam him on the tables, fight in the crowd, or even chock him with the cables dragging across the floor.
The main modes of gameplay are:
Legend Killer Mode (Take on legends to claim your user created fighter as one of the legends)
WrestleMania Tour Mode (Consisting of 3 options: Relive, Rewrite, and Redefine) Relive the greatest fights in WWE history, Change WWE history, Change the type of match from the original.

Extras - 7/10

Each fight you relive comes with actual footage of the original match. This helps to get you motivated for your experience. There is a decent create a wrestler mode and I managed to get my wrestler to look very close to me. In addition there are other goodies like picking your own signs, music, and nickname. There are no hidden wrestlers to unlock but there are unlockable videos and costumes that you get as you progress.

Overall - 6/10

Even with all the game modes and the enormous roster, the game lacks in replay value and entertainment. I managed to get my platinum trophy in only 6hrs. The fights are very boring and very repetitive.

* Very detailed characters
* Relive great matches from the past
* Very large roster

* Crappy crowds
* Lack of Career
* Boring and repetitive
* No Macho Man!!!!!!!

Since this game only offers like 25 trophies, most of which are silver. And can be completed in only a mere 6hrs of playing. I have to give this game "Lethal's Trophy Wh0re" stamp of approval.