User Rating: 8.7 | WWE Raw 2 XBOX
This game has to be the best looking WWE game on the market! Once you choose your character, the anamations from the walk to the faces and the intro details and most of the signature moves are done almost flawlessly. The best example of this, in my opinion, is R.V.D. with the kicks and frogsplash and rolling thunder and corner move with the back handspring. But its not like you have to choose him to see this, you can pretty much choose anyone and see this. But we all know graphics dont make the game. The controls arent too bad. Very similar to the first RAW and actually incorporates some of the smackdown and the wrestlemania xix features. Like smackdown because the directional hold before an attack for different moves, like wrestlemania xix because once you innitiate a graple you then choose what button and direction you are going to go with it. The sound and music is awesome, but i didnt give the sound a great rating because this game is missing something very important that i think every wrestling game needs, anouncers. It didnt even have any wrestler voices dubbed in or anything either, that was slightly dissapointing, but the music completely makes up for it. The create a wrestler is excellent, although they could have used more choices for faces and tatoos, the body morphing and color schemes are done very well, and the move selection is very well done also. One of the best things i liked was the fact that i could burn my music from a cd onto the game to use as an intro music. I have my create a character coming out to things like Blind by Korn, and Disturbed and Sevendust. Great idea and way cool points there guys. The exhibition matches are enough to keep you busy for times on end. The 60+ person royal rumble is dam fun, if you know how to through vertually everyone out immediately and avoid gang ups on you. The story mode is an added bonus that is definately a plus. It gives you about 8 matches per show, and between each match you have different options of what you can do, interfere, call out, encourage, things like that. How much of this you can do is designated by a spirit meter. You can choose rest to build that back up. I know i have had a blast with it and i think you will too. I pretty much forgot about wrestlemania xix and i just bought that, so you be the judge. This is definately a game to get if you wanna sit up all night and take your character to the top of the charts in the wrestling world. Sit back and enjoy the RAW experiance.