A+S+uparrow? Come on! The craziest handling I have ever seen. Lousy fighter selection process. Overall - dissapointment.
I particularly enjoyed the animation of cardboard dolls, supposed to be spectators:) Jeeee... Then, the gameplay. you never cease to be amazed by the fighter selection. If you are not attentive enough, you may spend your time down there outside the ring, waving in despair, while your teammate is being eviscerated by a ferocious ....ehhhh.... Molly Dolly:)
Then, it was quite fun to watch how for example The Rock hits Trisha Stratus in the groin, and she falls with quite some pain in her movements. Parfait.
In order to beat the s... out of your oponent, you must strain your brain and recall all these fancy key combinations, which, I believe, are beyond the comrehension of many hardcore players. At the end of the day, you find yourself hitting the D key only, which guarantees you at least some lousy punches. No, this way you don't win. Computer fight or real one.
Then, in the end, I decided there are better things to do in this life that playing WWE RAW. It's really raw.