Its a wrestling game.
Gameplay: The gameplay handles itself well in the area. All characters have the same type of basic movements that vary and twist according to each character... grapples, running, some punches and kicks and finshers. Although the wrestling aspect of it is well established the rest of gameplay is boring if not useless... no fan will actually want to go around the stadium running around just to see diferent locations and get nothing out of it and make the very ocasional chat with another wrestler or "superstar". The conversations or interaction part is just very dull and pointless. Also the option to modify actually make your own storylines is useless for it really doesn´t have any type of effect on your progress other then you´ll just have to wrestle someone diferent most of the times... just a character change and no real immrsive or grappling plot twist to keep your attention focused on your own storyline.
Graphics: The in game graphics are a bit off during the recess from wrestling during the story. The character look very much like copy/paste face section photos on to computered renderes bodies... which are allthough more smoothen out then past editons of WWE games, they still look a bit rough around the edges to notice. Although gameplay or in action gameplay graphics don´t matter that much because of the camera angle and the overall compesation of the gameplay which don´t make it that noticible until they´ve won or lost a match where the camera will zoom in for closer look on the wrestlers... and then you can see the same flaws as the break sequences graphichs... which are bad when you can´t even make a decent ticket box in a stadium. The best graphics... the video sequence in the wrestlers´ intros and the image placement during loading time.
Sound: The sound is pretty good for SFX on the grapples, stomps, slams and hits. The rest like the commentaries will get tiresome after a short while seeing that they repeat 3 times at least each catch phrase during the a match. The best sound out of the game jsut might be the music in the wrestler´s intro music and the brands´ personal song.
Overall the game is much more fun to play with a second players and it will give the game some verstility. Other then that you´ll just feel a bit bored after playing the same type of mechanic over and over through diferent events which are basically the same RAW or SMACKDOWN brand events but with diferent colors and display screens. Building and wrestler isn´t that much fun as thaught and in order to get real good wrestling styles or attire for your creation you have to go on and play, at least, the whole season mode 6 times to get descent attributes, moves and clothing for your wrestling creation. Just fans WWE fans will get the most out of the game because of their devotion to the series. Other players will just get bored really quickly a while of the gameplay and story... as should anyone who doesn´t like repetiveness and "fun and real gameplay" that only last two times per charecter chosen for a match.