DJ's review of WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2006

User Rating: 9.8 | WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2006 PS2
Well, about a year after the release of the first Smackdown vs Raw Yukes brings us Smackdown vs Raw 2006.They promised to deliveir and boy did they ever.Now I am a wrestling fan, but if this game were crappy I'd tell it like it is.
This game is the best of all wrestling games I have played in my life.I have been playing them since the Super Nintendo too.
The graphics are just phenominal.The bloodshed spreads throughout time just like when you beat that little kid for his lunch money last week.The character's emotions are expressed so well on the game that you can almost hear them talking.
Speaking of talking, the sound is done so well.The soundtrack was better in the past Smackdown vs Raw, but it can be overlooked.The commentators are absolutely hilarious and right on que.It seems as if they never run out of material.I never get tired of Tazz's jokes.
The gameplay needless to say has never been better.The new game modes and matches make the sky the limit.Once you pick up the controller you'll say just one more match at least 56,332 times.
Obviously I'm reccomending this one.Even if you're not a WWE, or even a wrestling fan.It's just simply boat loads of fun people!