The best wrestling game ever made
User Rating: 9.8 | WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2006 PS2
It's not hard to say that WWE Smack down VS Raw 2006 is simply the best wrestling game of all time. It is definitely better than last year's Smackdown vs Raw game. They did a lot of improvements this year. The on line mode is better this year and the season mode is also great. They added more to the game this year like the general manager mode where you can get to play as the gm of Smack down or Raw it's quite fun but it could have been better. There are also three new match types like the buried alive match, the bar brawl, and my personal favorite the fulfill your fantasy match. And you can also create your own entrance, you can choose what camera angle, the lighting, fireworks all sorts of stuff. there are over 50 wrestler for this year's roster but it would have been better if they had more current wrestlers like MNM or Mat Hardy. Overall the game is great and if you are a fan of the WWE you should definitely check it out.