This Game was good

User Rating: 8.9 | WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2006 PS2
Ok the game is good and all but I still wish they had it so the players were able to edit the current superstars attire like we were able to do on the WWF No Mercy game for N64. I miss this and I think its a really big loss in the wrestling game. You shouldn't have to make a guy to get him the attire that you may see them wear on Monday or Friday night. Also whenever you make a player, when he actually wrestles the clothes and everything else is jacked up on them. If your a person who play their games mostly online then this really is but isn't a good game to get mainly because many people don't play it online. Also the season mode could still be improved tremendously more. I expect next year to be better especially when insince it's gonna be on the ps3. But other than that this game is great. It's the best Smackdown game in its series. Great graphics and sound is a plus