WWE Game number 8! Makes it big and all!
I'll start with the old and orriginal Create a Legend. Well this time you have alot of new choices of what to do, for one you can pic which show he would be on. Also they have announcements that, If you name your character right, Will call you by your first name, as well as others like Superstar, legend Killer, ect. They have new clothes as well. AS usual you can choose your characters hight and Weight Class.
Also, the create a stable is back, unlike last game, you can put anyone in your stable without experience. You can have new entrences and songs.
And again something else thats orriginal is the Entrence Creator, However it has new stuff as well, for instance you can choose different parts to edit like perse you wanted to have undertakers moves on the part of the stage where you come out, but wanted tripple H's moves on the walk way, and Randy ortons on the ring, you could do that. Also they are sperated by two classes (Advanced and Begginer). Something else that is new is the fire works/smoke/lights/and effects.
Next is the fighting modes. Some of the orriginals are back like Cage Match, Hell In A Cell Match, PArkinglot Brawl, ect. But there are new ones as well I will explain them to you:
Fufill your fantasy: Sadly to all the males out there they took away the bra and panties match, However they replaced it with this, which is better. You can only use this in the summerslam arena though. The object of this match is to fill your Fantasy meter all the way up, by spanking the other diva, striping them, hitting them with pillows, and hitting them. When you get your fantasy meter all the way up, you win.
Bar Brawl: This is a new one just recently added, Its basicaly like the Parkinglot brawl. You have only one weapon, which is a pool stick, the object is to use the enviorment around you to win. You can do this match in any arena. The object is to pin your opponent for a three count.
I think thats about all for the New matches. Now on to the next part, where I tell you about the new modes. Seasion mode is back btw and better then ever. Heres the new mode:
GM (General Manager) Mode: In this mode you have one objective, to get more viewers for your show then the other. In the begining you get to choose wether to hand pick the wrestlers you want or to auto Draft them (I perfer auto draft because if you dont they will get tripple H) Then you pit those you choose against each other for raitings, BTW you have help from JR or Tazz throughout the game, Also you choose who you want to be the title holders. There is a Catch though....They have Contracts that do run out at the end of however long you choose or the auto draft chose. I wouldn't advise this for anyone who doesnt know crap about wrestling.
All in all I say this game is a great adition to the WWE empire of Games.