An excellent game for WWE fans.
The gameplay is, you wrestle some other guy in the middle of a square. You can hop out of the square sometimes. You can peform some neat ticks that are peformed by the actual wrestlers on the show. You can do things like tag team matchs or triple threats but it's basically it's all the same. The gameplay is, there are people in the square and you fight them.
The graphics is the only thing I like about this game. They look very real and very well done.
The music in the game is cool BUT it just gets very repetitive and sometimes annoying.
There is this Season Mode thingo but it really isn't any different to the rest of the game. It doesn't have a good story at all. What Season Mode is about is you see little cutscenes and at the end of nearly everyone of them they would probably say "Meet me at the ring tonight" or something like that.
I really think this game is for WWE fans because i'm not one. :)