Even if you have no interest in men in spandex shorts, then you will still enjoy this game.

User Rating: 8.3 | WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw 2006 (Platinum) PSP
Finally...WWE has made it's way to PSP!

That's right! Those sweaty men in Spandex in a ring have finally be shrunk down to fit inside your Pocket!

When you think about it you'd expect after seeing the PS2 Version in action, fitting about 50 WWE Superstars, 70+ Match Types and dozens of Game Modes would be impossible to fit onto a small PSP UMD. However, THQ have here by made it possible, and have had to get rid of very little to accomodate the little PSP.

While the Gameplay seems to be improved every year, this year's certianly give SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006 a big boost for an achievement, because it is genuinly very good. Gone are the days when your Wrestler could just keep on doing the same move over and over again, as this year, this will decrease your Momentum, which, if you insist on performing a Suplex over and over, will make you less likely to achieve getting your Special meter up. Another rather good add-on to this year's in-ring action is the Stamina meter, which will go down as you perform high-risk maneuvers and run around the ring. But don't worry, this won't stay down, as by stopping, and holding the Select button will make sure that your stamina increases. The only downside is that this meter can go down fast, and in big match situations (an Elimination Chamber Match), it can be risky standing there and regaining your stamina in case some big bloke comes and clobbers you one round the head!

Career Mode is vastly improved from previous SmackDown!s, and includes various voice-overs from the WWE Superstars. The Storylines are particlarly interesting if they last more than few months. During your Career you will be asked to make decisions which can affect what happens to the story later on. Also during your Career you will achieve Points, for use in the WWE Locker Room, which, in the PSP Edition, is a little toned down from that of the PS2 Version. In this Version, it is more 2D kind of graphical Locker Room, but doesn't really downgrade it too much which is good and effective.

The Challenges are also included in the PSP Version, but are somewhat a difficulty to complete without the option of playing multiplayer, as in the PS2 Version. This can make those Unlockable Arenas hard to unlock, as even the Amateur Challenges in PSP are an irritation to succeed in.

The Graphics, as you would imagine aren't as highly crisp and smooth as it's PS2 Parent, but still amazing nevertheless. However, THQ have had to downgrade them slightly to fit with the power of the PSP. The only problem is, the Crowd don't look half as good as on the PS2 Version of the game.

The Sound is amazing. The powerful Sound ability on the PSP is used to it's fullest here. Still here, are the Menu Tracks, and all the Superstar's Themes, in amazing quality. The only difference in the Sound on the PSP Version, is that the Menu Music Tracks play as a BGM during Gameplay, and there is no Commentary. However, the Commentary in Wrestling games is hardly ever ground-breaking, so really it isn't missed in the PSP Version.

Basically, you get everything here that you get in the Playstation 2 Version, minus a few minor PS2 Exclusives. The Unbelievable thing is, you actually get MORE in the PSP Version! That's right, you actually get three, rather pointless, mini-games. None of them are particularly worth the time and the effort, but the main thing is - they are there! GM Mode is also still in the PSP Version, which makes this well worth it for the hardcore PSP Gamer.

Basically, if you are without a PS2, you should get this. Even if you have no interest in men in spandex shorts, then you will still enjoy this game. For any PS2 Gamer already with this game, I'd recommend PSP Version rental only - because there is only really one benefit of having both versions - Jake 'The Snake' Roberts. If you unlock him on PSP, you can transfer him to your PS2 Version which makes you the envy of your PS2 buddies. So, if you're looking for a PSP Wrestling Game out there - this is your new friend!