i have to say this is the best wrestleing game i have played.amazing gameplay and graphics. i love wrestling games.

User Rating: 7 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 X360
Smackdown vs raw 2007 is the best wrestling game right now, it's changed alot from smackdown vs raw 2006, THQ have turned smackdown vs raw to a whole new level, I mean, you basicly got the whole show on the game, all the new people, the locker room thingy has improved in a way. You can bring the fight into the crowd and chokeslam people over the ring into tables. Anyway it's a good game. You must buy it so get of your áss and buy it NOW!!! Oh yeah, the graphics could be much better tho. =] Ciao.

Season mode in it has kinda changed I sposed but the mother fúckers J.R., King, Tazz and Michael cole don't say the your characters name, for example, say your John Cena, instead of saying "Omg, John Cena has just won the WWE title" they will say "Omg, he has won the title" it's the same in smackdown vs raw 2006, it píssés me off. Oh well. Later dudes and dudettes. Enjoy the game. xD.