User Rating: 8.9 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 X360
Outstanding, the best wrestling game since NO MERCY on the N64!

True to the WWE the single player is amazing, the storylines the featuring of Carlito in most and the fact he can actually beat you cause his AI is above all the other wrestlers or something, or Kurt Angle even though he left oh and of course Tazz still chatting to Micheal Cole in Smackdown portions of the game.

The game failed to stay current to the WWE but the Tazz issue was probably due to JBL being stuck up as usual

The real sadness in the game falls to the last game with Beniot (RIP Wolverine) and even sadder to see that I beat him so many times

But the game is amazing and worth the money to tie you over until SVR '08 comes out, and finally a next gen wrestling game thats truely NEXT GEN!

Also heres a tip that I only figured out after I had done all the game, Turn off the stamina and the game lowers itself to easy in Hard mode really easily! ENJOY!