Too many half-naked men, soap-opera storyline, and horrible control scheme counts this one out before it hits the ring.
This game sports a huge roster of wrestlers, including todays stars and yester-years' legends. You also have the option of creating your own muscle-bound, brain-dead wrestler, with all the tweaking you can think of. Usually in a game, this is a good thing. But not in WWE SVR 2007. Most of the wrestlers are butt-ugly, even the female ones. And on top of that, you have this new control scheme that totally makes the game unplayable. So, your wrestlers are guaranteed to exhibit ultimate ugliness: ugly in motion as well as in appearance.
While you are being tortured with your ugly wrestler, the CPU decides to join in for a totally frustrating experience. That's right... no matter whether you have the game set on easy or whatever the highest difficulty setting is, the CPU will beat you to a bloddy pulp while you fumble through the controls trying to figure out how to pull off a move. ANY move, other than punching and kicking. True fact: I have YET to win a match against the CPU... on EASY. The CPU is relentless, and it has a sense of humor too. It'll have you down several times before it finally decides to put you out of your misery. And it really likes pulling off the wrestlers' signature moves. Pay attention to those times, because the only times you'll see those moves executed is when the CPU is doing it to you. Multiple times in the same match. And some of the wrestlers' signature moves leave you wondering why this game isn't rated "M" instead of "T". Especially Viscera... I don't think a 300+ pound man laying on top of another man (who is half dead and can't move at this point) and "humping" him (literally... I'm not exaggerating) is appropriate for teens. Just another example of why not to touch this game... ever. Let it fade out of the video game scene like 99.99999...% of wrestling games do. Pro Wrestling is still alive and kickin'. Play that if you want a laugh... and a wrestler you can actually control and win with.