Still The BEST wrestling franchise in gaming that did make some needed additions, but not enough
Graphics: The graphics in this version are the best in this series and possibly in a wrestling game ever. The graphics get a 10/10.
Sound: Here is where the problems begin for this game. Not every wrestler comes out with the proper music. William Regal and Booker T come to mind for me. The commentary during a match is not paced very well. A very large number of this chatter is recycled from the last installment. Come on THQ I am begging you to record vocals every freaking year. The fight noises and wrestler voices are just fine. THQ's unnecessary roughness penalties on my ears gets the sound a 7/10. Game play: THQ has revamped the controls for this version. The controls work surprisingly well and add a new depth to wrestling games thats adds a new since of realism. However, the problem that I have found is that most fanatics of the series have not switched over ti the new scheme yet. There is no ECW brand whatsoever. That means no Joey Styles and Tazz commentary. There are no real new match types in the game. The story mode is still the stand out mode of play. General manager mode has made some improvements, but not everyone I hoped for. Challenge mode has gotten tougher and almost cheap not cheat proof. For some upgrades but not quite enough game play gets 8/10.
Smack Down vs Raw 2007 has made some great strides but not enough. If you want a realistic wrestling game and really still the top wrestling game on the market the Smack Down series is where it's at.