Really well done wrestling game

User Rating: 8.2 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2007 X360
Well, in my opinion Smackdown Vs Raw 2007 is a game that is worth playing. Why? The reason why is because there are tons of unlockables from tons of legends to stuff for your locker room. This game is very fun to play with friends and the season mode is alright. There are some glitches in this game which make me mad which is just with audio they repeat the same thing in the Royal Rumble Match by when the first entry comes out they say this is the Royal Rumble Match entering number one... blah then number two comes out they say the same thing. So there are a couple audio glitches. The graphics are really good and they look somewhat like the real people. The game is worth buying or renting what ever you think from other reviews. Well this game is really fun and I hope you enjoy it also.

8.2 out of 10