It's the best wrestling game cuz it's the only WWE game!
You see..this is the problem when there's only one developer whose handling the official sports or entertainment tittles to do it for video games..Since there aren't any other developers to compete..they won't pu much effort very year they release it..HELL..sometimes they only change the rosters..!!
So the question u must be askin before u purchase this game is, "Is this a good game? Is it Worth it? and Any changes being made from the last year version and any major changes from the current gen?" no worries..i'll answer them for ya!
Basically..SVR 07 is not really a realistic wrestling game..the movements of the wrestlers are not like what you've seen in WWE...and some of the moves the Wrestlers have does not corresponds with the moves that they do in real life...
There are some "HOTSPOTS" where u can grab your opponents and drag them to certain areas where a minigame will appear..but will get repetitive some time cuz it's limited..say..not every wrestler drag their opponents to the announcer table and smash his face over it over and over again or just choking them with the small TV wire at the announcer table...the conclusion is, there isnt much to do in the "HOTSPOTS" area.
There arent also alternate costumes to choose for your wrestlers..only some of Triple H wearing a Coat..?? i mean..come on..i'm sure Triple H won't wear a coat during a match! The alternate costumes are not realistic and actually it looks stupid!
The entrance..? What bout the entrance? It's nice to see your superstars enter the ring everytime...but i think once u've watch it four times onwards..u might be thinkin of skipping it the next time..coz their movements will always be the same when they enter the rings..only the camera angels will change..and too bad that the Wrestlers don't really resembles their real life counter parts in the next gen version..the wrestlers don't look as good as in the current gen version even when you create's not as in depth as in the current gen version..and talking about counterparts..have u ever seen Ric Flair with six pecs and firm chest before? Nope? If u havent..this game will let you have a chance to see it...
SO is it worth the buy? i think you should rent it only..Coz the season mode is pretty linear and it's not that long..there's not much new moves for creation of wrestlers too..
If u've played SVR 06 on the PS2 version last will find that this year's version is pretty similar compared to last year's SVR06..It's just that this time around you use your right analog stick to do the grapple moves..and there are quite a number of them actually compared to the current gen version..there is a normal grapple move..and a strong grapple will understand once you play it..The different between this year and last actually the "hotspots" which i've mention above earlier..
The difference between the next gen and current gen is the 360 version has more moves..the graphics are more sharper..but not as good compared to the current gen version..and yes..u can see you wreslers weat this time around..but iw wonder why John Cena's sweat looks like's hard to see Cena sweat heavily in the ring in real now..u can see him sweat in the game....I think YUKES should focus more on the next gen system than current gen...
So if you wanna get this game..just know that this is not a realistic wrestling game..where the opponents will reverse your moves all the time,commentators keep saying the same words all over again..and sometimes it didn't synch quite well on what you do..
So i think you should rent it you've played the last year's not worth purchasing..but you can try it for sometime..and it will get repetitive the longer you play it..