Finally a wrestling game for ds ...
graphics - good , but in a ds , it's great ...
sound - average , but the entrance musics aren't like tones or something , we get real themes ...
gameplay - good , but gets kind of repetitive .... dont start the exhibition mode directly .... u wouldn't be able to figure out much ... most probably your touch screen will be in a bad shape after all those scratching ...
caw 's are missing and the types of matches available are single , hardcore , last man standing , submission , 3 stages of hell and ironman ..
about 18 wrestlers are available , a few divas make their appearance in season mode but cant be selected
few standard moves are available and few other moves to certain wrestlers... finishers can be done only when certain body parts are injured , for example , the head part indicator should be red in color for the opponent in order to use sweet chin music for hbk ..
similarly , pinning can also be done only when the parts are injured ...
but after a few matches , the game becomes way too easy ....
season mode is basically fighting all other guys and moving to different areas and finishing quests(!) and increasing stats in the gym area ...
basically , u select a move and follow the on screen instructions like spinning or scratching to and fro like a maniac , etc ...
i'd give it a 8.5 for it's innovative approach to wrestling in a whole new platform
a nice game to play if you are a wrestling fan ..