I could not agree any more this game totally sucks and i am ashamed to have a Wii. Good thing i got this game from used Gamestop so i could return in 7 days because if i kept it, it would be burned to ashes. The only good thing about this game is the character models and all of the graphics except for the paper thin a crowd which makes me want to throw up. I guess the motion controls were not a total lost becasuse they do add a little but but not to save the game from being horrible. And sometimes you don't exactly do the move that you want to do, exaple i wanted to do a pildriver but ended up doing a suplex. Also there is not a lot of extras in this game, lots of moves were taked out, not as many weapons, there are no specialty matches( Hell in a Cell, Ladders), and just about everything else. I think the main event mode was ok but after a while it gets boring.
If i was the WWE i would fire THQ and Yukes from making another wrestling game because it is not worth the money any more. And the sad thing is WWF No Mercy is still my most favorite wrestling video game of all time, which was made about 8 years ago.Hopefully the rumors are true because i would love to play a WWF No Mercy remake on Wii Ware.
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