Reminds me of Wrestlemania 23.Really dissapointing.And dumb.WWE fans deserve much better.Save 50$ and get No Mercy.
First of all the roster really sucks.NO Beth,no Trish,no Lita..A terrible Diva roster.No real tag teams.Deuce and Domino are missing,Paul London and Brian Kendrick are not here.WHAT A DIRTY RIP OFF!A lot of ECW characters are missing.Such as Balls,the Miz and the Boogy Man who was indeed in the last game.And what makes me even more sick is,this game was delayed and they still "forgot" to add some important characters.SO now a lot of us will have to waste our time making them.
The new features include a lame 24/7 mode.It tries to combine both Story and General Manager mode together.But its boring and there is a lot of poorly written text to read.And the game is terrible on telling you how to do things.Such as raise a brands TV rating.Hall of Fame Mode is also a new mode,but it makes no sense.There just challenges,it really has nothing to do with WWE Hall of Fame.
Game play has not changed a whole lot,the only thing that has been added is some new weapon attacks and a new submission system.Thats not very cool,its kind of like picking a lock in Splinter Cell.Thats what you have to do to get out of submission,or you tap out.And if you hated those analog controls last time,just to let you know.THERE BACK!And they still are not nearly as responsive as using buttons.
Graphics are the best thing about this game.There is still a ton of clipping,and the Divas look sadly terrible.But the guys at least look great.They shine and sweat and can pull off some decent looking moves.There is still that annoying slow motion when doing your finishing moves.And a shotgun noise when its pulled off.So thats another disturbance,and its a huge bother after a while.The game suffers from huge lag on Live most of the time also.
The games soundtrack is not good at all.The songs don't even mix with WWE,and are even recycled from the older games!WHAT!?O,and Jim Ross and Cole are still saying the same stupid stuff as the last two games.Why are these games not evolving?
60$ is a true rip off for this game.I am a big fan of Pro Wrestling,and I am so angry at this game it may be the last I play.I would still rather much play No Mercy on my N64.At least that game was fun and an addictive gaming experience,this is far from it.