WWE Smackdown! vs. RAW 2008 (PS3) is more of the same. If you own the previous version, not much else to this new one.

User Rating: 7 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 PS3
I have been with this series since its beginnings on the PS1. Yes, I went out and bought the japanese version thinking I wouldn't need to understand the dialogue to kick WWE butt. I was right and it was love at first play. Now, THIS is the wrestling game I've been wanting to play for years. Now let me tell you the short version of my dedication to wrestling games. Back in the day there was a shortage of wrestling games, me and a friend set out to change that, wrote EVERY game company in existence at the time (back in early 90's) with ideas for wrestling games. We were rejected but, thanked and games later saw ALOT of our ideas put into action with a few titles on the NES (YES!) and the ideas I'm sure of many of the WWF/WWE fans at the time you answered the call of lack of wrestling games.

Okay, so after a couple of PS1 games I was looking forward to this series making the jump to the PS2 and it did so in grand fashion. Alot of the games were addictive but, the one thing I never liked was the story and wrestlers acting in ways they would NEVER act on the show. Graphics were great and I would never dream of it being like this back in the day.

Fast forward to the PS3- the graphics are AMAZING in this game. The first time I saw the previews I knew they had the graphics nailed. The wrestlers are true to their nature (finally) one thing I didnt like was the control. It just felt awkward to me. The options to keep your wrestler's fatigue/popularity up or down is interesting but, doesn't do much in the way of gameplay. The stuff you buy in the game is horrible. The addition of "Ravishing" Rick Rude is a bonus (about time) why are we constantly offered the same LEGENDS over and over and over again? gimme Kamala, Ultimate Warrior, One Man Gang, Big Boss Man, anybody but the Rock for the umpteenth time. I am sick of it!! oh, and another thing: now that we are on a high end system how about some bonus content like, oh, I dont know WWE WRESTLEFEST (American Technos/Japan Technos?) remember that one? cant you include that? or is there not enough room left over to squeeze that arcade gem in there? maybe I m greedy but, I want more than just the same ole same ole. Oh, I love how the wrestlers get tired, winded, and look hurt when you really beat them to a pulp but, I want them carried out on a stretcher and broken bones when I use my special on em 10 million times. I want updates on how I destroyed my opposition. I want my actions to mean something (cue patriotic music) I want more than just blood dripping. I want my opponent to say I cant wrestle because I took more than just one too many last rides. Remember how the ambulance came out onto the field in Madden? bring that! (and bring it back for Madden too) I just feel like I m wasting time going through the ho-hum season. Oh, and another thing: STOP PUTTING OUR SINGLES WRESTLERS IN TAG MATCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if I wanted to be in a tag team I should have the OPTION to form a tag team. I want more control over my wrestlers destiny. If I help somebody they should respect me/ally with me if I want them to or if I interfere in another superstar's match I want it to have consequences and develop into a feud. Its time for this game to get off the rails and maybe the direction it should take is an RPG/Strategy type setting. You guys are SOOOOOO close like when you get to pick your answer in the emails (that I like) yet keeping with the arcade like roots. I may not be onboard for the 2009 version unless there are these added tweaks because like Madden its like playing the same game year after year with just a tiny bit added. NO MORE! you are capable of this I know you are.

So, if you own 2007 keep it. If you want a graphics upgrade then buy it but, only if you a hardcore WWE fan. As for me I ve been a WWF/WWE fan since the 80's and I've played just about every wrestling game there is. THQ/YUKES and whoever else I didnt mention either make 2009 or better yet 2010 THE best wrestling game ever or I for one am done. Please?!