One of the best Wrestling game available now ...
The graphics are amazing, improving each and every year. Overall the wrestlers look a lot like their counter-parts, but less famous wrestlers like Cody Rhodes doesnt look like his real self at all. The arena, pyros and even the crowds have been improved.
Sound :
The sound is ported from SVR 08, the slams, punches are okay. Commentary has been greatly improved, they name almost all moves too. The commentary is excellent during the RTWM, where they speak about the current affairs of the player.
Gameplay :
The gameplay feels solid. The RTWM mode is one of the finest modes made, where the 6 stories are specially made for those wrestlers. It will be like watching actual WWE programming, where the commentators give specifics at the start of the show, and the show ends with the traditional logo appearing at the bottom left. The Career mode is taking a wrestler from an overall of 30 to win all the titles available, increasing the attributes along the way.
The AI has been vastly improved and the moves connect properly. The C-A-F is one of the newest modes available, one can spend much time creating a new move.C-A-W now has new clothes such as Capes! But the CAW attributes can only be increased by playing the career mode.Tho' weight detection is not present, it doesnt matter much. Each wrestler now has six abilities.
Overall the game is a must play for both hardcore and casual fans of wrestling as this is the best one available.