Massive improvement!!!
So in general I'm glad that THQ actually decided to make a wrestling game this year unlike last years demo, however being a Wii game its been stripped down a bit like no inferno match or create a finisher which really annoys me, if the PSP can fit this onto a UMD why in the blue hell cant the developers put it on a Wii disc???? But apart form the things I mentioned the Wii version is basically the same game as the PS2 version i.e. road to wrestlemania, career and tournament modes, and all the same superstars. Plus it has online play (which is good but lags a little) and interactive entrances and victory scenes which are good but I could live with out them. Overall this is ten times better than last years but it still can improve so I'm hoping downloadable content will become available, if not hears looking forward to the next year's instalment!!!!!!!!