this is a great game and I would have given it a 10 if it wasn't for just one little thing that is actually a big thing.
User Rating: 8.5 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 PS2
game play for this game is amazing, it really is a good game, I just have 2 complaints about this game it is just a little to easy for my liking, even on the hardest difficulty it is really easy, not sure if I am just to used to the games or if it really is this easy. the biggest problem that I have with this game is this, the career mode has no storyline at all, that was the one thing that I always looked forward to with each passing year is that I could make a CAW, and take them through a storyline. Yes they do have the road to wrestlemania but the problem that I have with this mode is that there are only 2 characters that you can play as that I even like. but all in all it is a great game the way that you get skills in this game is awsome because it is based on what you do and how you do it. I most definatley recommend this game, if you have any thoughts about not buying this game throw them away and just get it. it may not last you as long as previous games in the series but it is alot of fun, and isn' t that why we play video games? for fun?