Good but no syn Sophia (previously AKI) wrestling game.

User Rating: 7.5 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 X360
This is a fun wrestling game, one of the best by Yuke's however it is still not comparable to No Mercy by syn Sophia (previously AKI). For some reason the developers thought we wanted our created wrestlers stats be affected by the way we play the career mode instead of letting us choose our CAW's stats ourselves. To me this seems very foolish. I have 24 CAW's and there is no way I want to complete the career mode 24 times nor do I have the time to do so. Also this is the first wrestling game I have played in over 20 years that does not allow multiplayer interference where a wrestler that is not scheduled to be in the match comes down the isle to interfere with the match when there are at least two human players. Seems very silly to not allow this function, it is a fundamental of sports entertainment. I also miss the special referee option that No Mercy allowed where as you could even play as the speciall referee. I also miss the fact that in no mercy you could start a fight inside the ring and then make your way into the back stage areas. This feature has been missing in SVR for a while now. Another gripe I have for this game is the fact that with CAW's you cannot choose who the CAW's enemies are. SVR never allowed for this (yet No Mercy did) but it was a really cool option to keep the CAW matches interesting, then again if there is no interference why should this option even be available. Anyway I really hope some company brings syn Sophia back into the wrestling game genera they have been out for far too long.