another let down.

User Rating: 7.5 | WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009 X360
let just say i have been playing these games since they made 2006 so i have i am a hope full fan that is tired of them just makeing games to make games and dont care if they make a good game or not. they have so much power with it having the title of wwe. if i put under wear with wwe on it it would make money just like that. so as you can see i am pretty tired of buying theses games so now i just rent them. so first of all the story is pretty dome again. and the gameplay is still to easy i dont think i have lost once. the main story is still pretty much the same as the others and the side storys are just lame. i am one going to tell you rent this first trust me this is not buying i beat all the side storys and main story in 15 hours and thats cause i play on the hard mode through this game. if this is your first smackdownvsraw games then get it you will find the story very new now if you have played the past games then dont get this you will find this to be very much the same game as the past games.

pros it has some modes.
cons same story,same dome game.