This game could have been better

User Rating: 8.6 | WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw PS2
Smackdown vs. RAW is a nice game for WWE fans but could have been alot better and I'll tell you why. If your a WWE fan like me you know you want a game that has a nice selection of the current WWE Superstars to play as and in Here Comes The Pain they did. But in Smackdown vs. RAW soem superstars star who wrestled at the time have been completely left out like La Resistance and alot of WWE Cruiserweights. Although their isn't much neem for cruserweight with no Cruiserweight Title in season mode. The only title are the World Heavyweight, WWE, Intercontinental, and U.S. Titles while in Here Comes The Pain all the titles were included including the Hardcore Title which was a nice spic to the mix. Next I'd like to talk about the Season Mode. As in all Smackdown! games season mode put a selected Created of orginal WWE superstar in like heart of the WWE acting and the rate in which you get title shots are judged by how many matched you win and you can also get into storylines with other WWE Superstar. At least that how it was in Here Comes The Pain. In S vs. R the story is pretty much the sam eeach time and the only real decisions you can make are to be a heel or face. In the end (if you in the best title on you show) the last match you always have is against the others shows best champion for example if you become the World Heavyweight Champion you face the WWE Champion and vice-versa which is pretty boring seeming as how in all other Smackdown! Games intruding the first of PS1 there was now particular main story and you were pretty much free to do what ever you want. Next up, Challege Mode. A New mode in S vs. R is this mode that allows you to go into 1 Platyer Exhibition Match mode and complete a match with specific rules for example one of the harder challenged is to defeat WWE Legend Andre The Giant with WWE Cruiserweight Rey Mysterio and winning the match completes the challege and give you money to spend in the Smackdown Store in which you can buy Superstar Attires, Create A Superstar Exsperience Points, and more. This mode can only be unlocked by buying all the WWE Legends in the game which isn't that hard. Although this is a really nice feature in a WWK game the challeges get done really fast and aren't that hard seeming as how you can cheat you way through all of them. Probably the best feature in any WWE Game is the Create A Superstar mode which allows you to Create Your Own WWE Superstar to use in Seaon Mode, 1 Player, or Multiplayer modes. This is the only feature that has really gotten better making the selection of moves and creating the superstars body even better although Createing the body could have had more selection of your superstars face instead of making your own which is quite not that easy. The only new match type added is the Parking Lot Brawl which puts only 2 superstars in a match in which their opponent that through them into cars. Although another good feature in tends to get really easy since all you have to do is through you opponent into a car about 4 times for them to be easily pinned. The final subject is the new Online ability which allows you to play against people from across the world Online. This is a nice feature that I haven't got a chance to check out but if it like the rest of the game it's probably really good but has some flaws. Overall this is a pretty good Smackdown! Game to add to anyones collection but be aware that the Season Mode isn't as good as in Here Comes The Pain and the Challege mode only takes about an hour to complete. Even though this game is not so hot as its younger brothers I still recommemd it to a die heart WWE fan like myself but be aware that as with me after the games fully completed your better left with Here Comes The Pain trust me.