SMACKDOWN VS RAW is a great game when compared to HERE COMES THE PAIN.....but if we compare it to VS RAW 2006 it is

User Rating: 7.3 | WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw PS2
as bad as HERE COMES THE PAIN..If we see the graphics they aren't bad,but this game is fun,new wrestling minigames,voice acting in season mode,commentry and great BGMs.Create A Wrestler features are very good.But the game lacks good season mode story again its pretty short.The challenges are not challenging.Even the game's difficulty level is hard for the one who has played HERE COMES THE PAIN only.But it is nice to find a game challenging it creates some adernaline in us.Buy this game if you by chasnce hate VS RAW 2006.It is easier than that and no Smackdown icon problem is there.But don't rely on this game too much also.