If you thought that a wresling game for xbox couldn't get any worse, wait until you pop this game in your xbox.
User Rating: 4.3 | WWE WrestleMania 21 XBOX
When i popped this game in my xbox, it looked pretty disappointing. When you choose exhibition, and any type of match, when it gets to choosing your superstar, it was very disappointing, because of it's lacking roster of superstars. If hurricane is in it, why isn't rosey in it, or if Rene Dupree is also in it, whay isn't the rest of la resistance in it? see what i mean? When the dudlez have a tag team match together, they come out on they're own entrances. Now to the gameplay. It is so complicated to control. there is a submition button, and a grapple, and a striking button. When you opponent is on the ground, and you elbow drop them while standing and you miss, ur character will lay on the ground and grab there elbow in pain for like half hour. They act so mellow dramatically. Talking about the character models. They did it inaccruratly. Every superstar has a six-pack. Well, does ric flair have a six pac in real life, or does undertaker have a six pack? Now to carrer mode. You start of in smack down, then go to raw, then to ppv. the problem is that YOU HAVE TO WIN EVERY MATCH to progress through the storyline, so it is pretty predictable. And you have to use a created wrestler. In creation mode, it is lacking almost everything. you can't time your pyro in your entrance like raw 2, or make tag teams, or see what height your superstar is. Unlockables, you can unlocck legends the likes of: bret hart, andre the giant, the rock, mankind, Jimmy Snucka, Big Show with hair, rey mysterio in gold attire. Where are the other famous legends and icons such as the likes of Hulk Hogan, The legend Undertaker, or Rowdy Piper? In my opinion this game is really depressing, and need to go back to the drawing board.