Not that bad but could've been a lot better.

User Rating: 7.5 | WWE WrestleMania 21 XBOX
Wrestlemania 21 was the 3rd and final wrestling game released on the XBOX. After the "sub par" efforts that were Raw and Raw 2, Another developer was brought in for a third game.

Not a lot of people like this game for various reasons. I like this game but it could have been a lot better!

On to the review.


Despite what others say the actual wrestling is pretty good, save from a few glitches every now and again. It's taken the same route as the early AKI games like no Mercy and WCW/nWo Revenge by using the "tap/hold button" method. The strikes are done by just tapping the X button but there are 4 different grapples. Quick grapples, which are done by tapping the A button, Strong grapples, done by holding the A button. Then you have signature grapples, done by tapping the B button and finally, Submission grapples, these are performed by holding the B button.

The overall feel of the game and the matches isn't like WWE at all. Strangely enough it reminds me of a legends of wrestling game...but better.

The controls work quite well for the most part but I have noticed some unresponisveness, and this can lead to your opponent taking the advantage.

There are a great amount of match types, ranging from basic single and tag matches to 3 ways, 4 ways and royal rumbles. These matches can also be done in various settings, like Hardcore, cage, table,TLC and Hell in a Cell.
There is also a Bra and Panties match which is ok.

The story mode is pretty good and sees you going from Smackdown to Raw and chasing various titles. It's just your basic story mode really and despite it being very linear it works quite well.

The create a superstar mode is pretty rubbish for the most part. There is a decent amount of hair styles, pants, shirts and boots but there isn't many customisation options. Create a Belt also suffers from the lack customising.


The graphics are possibly the best part of the game. Everything from the superstars themselves down to the crowds are highly detailed. All the wrestlers look like their real life counterparts and the arenas are greatly recreated. One thing that seperates this game from other wrestling games is the lighting. In other games like the Smackdown series or Day of Reckoning the lighting matched the actual shows where as Wrestlemania 21 goes a little over the top with the lighting, with the ring lit in subtle blues, reds and various other colours. The crowds are dimly lit and there are spotlights flying about the place. This actually works quite well and helps set the mood for the more spectactular matches, like Hell in a Cell.


The sound is really hit or miss. The sound effects are great and detailed and there are many different ring sounds even from the slightest nudge of the ropes or turnbuckles. the voice overs and commentary sound great, with both the Raw and Smackdown! teams providing commentary for their respective shows.

The only downside is the soundtrack. Some of the music is decent but the majority of it is terrible. there are also a few glitches with the music. For instance, on the Create a Wrestler mode, one song will play and then that's it, no music until you go back to the main menu or when you start a match.

The sound gets a boost from having the custom soundtrack option, though this is only available for entrance music.


All in all this is a good game if you can get past the bad soundtrack, sub par CAW mode and the occasional in game glitch. There are some decent features but overall this could've been so much better.

The actual matches are played out really well with a great variety of moves for each wrestler, some good (if slightly old) match types and great graphics. I'd only recommend this to a die hard wrestling fan or to someone who's simply looking for something different from wrestling games.