WF No Mercy: Will the Crap Never Stop?

User Rating: 2.3 | WWF No Mercy N64
WF No Mercy is a rip-off of the highest degree. Of course they couldn't rip-off a good game, that would only make sense. No, they had to rip-off WCW/NWO Revenge. I've already made my thoughts on that game clear so I'll just hit the highlights on this one and get this over with. The graphics are blocky and the clipping is ridiculous. The sound from this game just plain sucks. It's uninspired and the crowed could have been cheering for jeopardy just as easily as a cage match. The game play is annoying to the point of pain. It's almost as if they got lazy and decided that all the player needed to play the game was two buttons while the computer is able to unleash ridiculous combos in succsession while you are reduced to throwing sissy punches. The only redeemeing part of this game is the shopping. You are able to purchase moves, clothes, people, weapons, and props which do add to the game. Until you actually start playing it anyway. If you want to play this game, but already own WCW/NWO Revenge then just slap a shiny new sticker on it and there you go. Do not buy.