This classic wrestling game for the N64 left me wanting more, because this game was sooo adticting.
User Rating: 8.3 | WWF No Mercy N64
WWF No Mercy is probably one of the most addicting wrestling games you have ever played. It has great characters and matches. I have totally forgot if they have a story mode. This game has great moves and a variety of rings and PPV's. I had spent much of my time playing this game and I can tell you, it is exciting in many more ways then I listed. If you like games that leave yuo wanting more but you can live with regular matches, then you'll fall in love with WWF No Mercy. Graphics for the game and the time it was released, very well done. Sound wasn't very good, the songs during the matches lame. Gameplay will knock you dang socks off. Totally recommendable to any n64 owner.