ill never forget how this game and goldeneye brought all my friends together....
User Rating: 9.3 | WWF No Mercy N64
when i was little ( like lets say 12-13) we would play goldeneye and no mercy. It was awsome. Wrestling games were still sorta new to games and i had the previes game ( wrestlemania) and i loves it, and this was the only game that i stole from under the christmas tree for. man!! i made michael cole look like a doosh bag , this was when wrestling was good and there wasnt anny rappin dooshes ( john cena! that whor) defiling the wrestning world, there was real entertainers like Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin 3:16 says shut your mouth!!. .. =P for a guilty pleasure i still watch wrestling hoping that one day one of my childhood heros ( austin or goldberg) would come back. sorry for getting offtopic...this game has a large roster ( out- dated by like 1000000 years) and the custom belts was still a fresh idea. Survival mode was one of the most awsome things ever!!!!, i remember you need to get like 40 people out to get shawn michaels ( i also remember me and my friend got that and when mom called us for dinners i turned it off , erasing it =P ). the storyline really depends if you win or lose each match. the WWE store is a cool feature too!! sorry for the personal stories, but if you play N64 get this!!!