The Best Wrestling Game Ever Created.

User Rating: 9.8 | WWF No Mercy N64
This game sets the standard for all wrestling games. The Gameplay is absolutely wonderful. Graphics are superb for the N64. This game never gets old. It really is a shame AKI got stuck making Def Jam games when they could be owning the wrestling video game market. The only thing that prevents this game from receiving a perfect score is the fact that during four player action the game slows down a bit, other than that it is flawless. Excellent create-a-player. Endless amount of moves to choose from and the animations are fantastic. What sepereates this from all the new games is that it actually plays at the pace of a wrestling match instead of being all turbo and juiced up like the smackdown games, ect. Easily on of my top 5 favorite games of all time. Also check out any of AKI's previous wrestling games. They aren't too far behind this one.