until "Smackdown: Here Comes The Pain," this was the best wrestling game available.

User Rating: 8.4 | WWF No Mercy N64
Great gameplay, easy to learn, fun to play, and all-around great game. Not perfect, mind you, there were some ideas that the developers could have added, but what they did add was pretty good. Graphical and all-around improvement from WM2K. Added matches, and boasting what is STILL the best create-a-wrestler ever made, this is a truely fabulous game, especially if you have people to play it with. The single-player carreer mode has story lines taken str8 from the show, but the belts can (i believe) be fought over in matches with your friends, something that I dont believe I have seen in a while. Now that its 2004, and everything in the game world has exploded into superdrive, you should be able to find it for a good price. I dont give too many high marks, and it's been years since I've had any interest in wrestling, but as far as the N64 and my memories of this game go, it earnes high marks.