How this game got a 7.7 is beyond the realm of imagination. WWF No Mercy is a classic by any standards.

User Rating: 9.2 | WWF No Mercy N64
This game is one of those "back in the day" games. Back when life was simpler. When you would pop in your cartridge into your Nintendo 64 and play games like Mario 64, Star Fox, and Pokemon Stadium (it was a good game!) for hours on end. WWF No Mercy was the best of its kind. It's an in-your-face wrestling game that set the bar for all other wrestling games. One of it's best points with me is that it's challenging. I remember not being able to take Chyna on the road to the IC title. I probably still can't beat her! Not only was it challenging, but it had a large pool of wrestlers, and an absolutely fantastic CAW mode. Not to mention the titantrons and the taunts. To this very day I still play WWF No Mercy. Maybe not as frequently as I did a few years ago, but it's a great game, and it definately leaves a lasting impression. I'd reccomend this game to anyone.