This game took up most of my childhood in the video game world. WWF rocked my f'n world!
User Rating: 10 | WWF No Mercy N64
WWF No Mercy for N64 is probably one of the best wrestling games ever made to date. Even with the new technology, that game still rocks in quality. The hours and hours I spent as a young boy playing this game in my dream world. I wish they would make a wrestling game that could even come close to the awesomeness that this had. They had really interesting storylines for each title. The C-A-W was always fun. I remember they made a list of people you could create look-a-likes for the game like Kid Rock, Mike Tyson, etc. Needless to say WWF No Mercy for N64 is stilling kick @$$ in my opinion. Most people reading this review have already played the game, most people i am sure have already played this game, but those of the new gen without playing older gens if your into checking out older gen stuff go to your local retail shop and find a Nintendo 64 and search for WWF No Mercy, it will rock your video gaming world in your gaming mind.
Matt The Dragan