This game was the best of Its time.Better in the story department anyways.Match types?Alot but alot were missing too....
User Rating: 8 | WWF SmackDown! (Platinum) PS
This game had what it took back in the day.I actually still play it once in a while to be honest with you.It has great characters and an Excellent story mode.If I had to say one bad thing about it that would have to be the match types.Sure you have Cage,Handicap,I Quit,ect.But where are the Ladder matches?What about Table matches or Hell In A Cell?In Smackdown 2 Thats where.But back to this game.I think this game is fun and challenging.After playing some newer ones this seems sort of like a challenge to me.I mean how long has it been since i used the oler Smackdowm mechanics?4 years i believe and after a while the old memory gets rusted.But all in all this game is great and i reccomend it if you want to relive the old days or just want to remember the days when a smackdown game wasn't second best to a good Japanese game here in America.