This WWE Game For the N64 Called Wrestlemaina 2000 Has whats it takes to be a perfect wrestling game Rellay All the Older WWE Wrestlers are in the game, Maikind, Meat, Tharsher, are all in there. I'f you RELLAY want a Good Superstar Like John Cena, You can Make them In Edit. Season mode is Awesome Its a Month by month Process, Rellay All the match types Suck, Except single, tag, and 3 way dance, they sould have had a Ladder match or somthing. I'f you Like WWE you will enjoy Wrestlemaina 2000. But I'f you Rellay wanted somthing more like Attitude Check this out!
WWF Wrestelmaina 2000 is a very well put together wrestling game. It has many gameplay modes, tons of wrestlers, lots of venues to play at, and one of the best features of this game, the ability to create and edit chara... Read Full Review
Gameplay: 7 Graphics: 6 Sound: 6 Value: 7 Tilt: 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WWF Wrestlemania 2000 is a great game but is very simili... Read Full Review