This game has what it takes.

User Rating: 8.1 | WWF WrestleMania 2000 N64
This WWE Game For the N64 Called Wrestlemaina 2000 Has whats it takes to be a perfect wrestling game Rellay All the Older WWE Wrestlers are in the game, Maikind, Meat, Tharsher, are all in there. I'f you RELLAY want a Good Superstar Like John Cena, You can Make them In Edit. Season mode is Awesome Its a Month by month Process, Rellay All the match types Suck, Except single, tag, and 3 way dance, they sould have had a Ladder match or somthing. I'f you Like WWE you will enjoy Wrestlemaina 2000. But I'f you Rellay wanted somthing more like Attitude Check this out!