Wrestlemania can be fun for a little while, but has no real lasting value.

User Rating: 5 | WWF WrestleMania: The Arcade Game PS
Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game is just that. A port of an arcade game. However, porting this game over to the ps1 doesn't do anything to increase its value. Its still has a limited roster of only Eight superstars. Lex Luger, Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Yokozuna, Undertaker, Doink the clown, Bam Bam Bigelow, and Razor Ramon. The single player campaign is still short and difficult. Often you'll find yourself up against two or even three opponents at once, and they take no mercy on you at all. However, its got some crazy over the top action and decent graphics, so if you can find it in a bargain bin for only a few bucks, and you're a WWE fan, you might as well grab it. Hell, its woth playing just to see Doink use the electric buzzer, or Undertaker hit someone up to the rafters.