The best PC game I've ever played by far

User Rating: 10 | X-COM: UFO Defense PC
one of life's greatest mysteries to me is... why can't anyone make a decent sequel to this game? this game was the immaculate predecessor of all turn-based strategy games, and every one to follow has screwed up the formula somehow, trying to be too clever, put in too much junk, or just made a hella boring game. X-COM was simple, challenging, and just fun. this is what a game should be. it doesn't need to be fancy, totally original, or have crysis-like graphics. just be fun to play, dammit!! X-COM was difficult enough to make me swear, but so very addicting. sending your soldiers inthat you put hours in building up their attributes, but knowing that one silly alien with a high reaction time and a plasma rifle could end his or her life forever... that's fun stuff. i'm still waiting for a decent sequel. i would kill to even play a remake of this game.