Not for all! This game has it's goods, and its bads. Overall, I believe its good!
The good:
You can choose your team of 4 for your X-Men adventures. You can switch off from any of these 4 members while playing (Simply by holding L and pressing the directional button that corrosponds the players in the lowerleft hand corner). This lets you switch off easily so that you can perform tasks that only a certain mutant might be able to do (For example fly to another platform, or carry a large item, or make a bridge).
The cutscenes are amazing. The amazing 3d graphics, the intense battle, and the rich use of their skills in the cutscenes make it seem almost like a movie. The cutscenes amazed me on how well they were and how they could fit that onto such a small disk and play on a little hand held.
The fact that almost everything is breakable or throwable adds to the heat of battle. When you throw something large at an enemy, it will temporarily stun them in which your guys can come in for the final kill.
You can custimize the powers/stats of your characters. This helps a lot in making the perfect 4 person team. You get to decide wether you want to put a certain amount of skills on health/energy/power/accuracy so that you can make your guy the ultimate fighting machine.
The Bad:
The load times are semi-often and coming back from sleep makes your game laggy.
The game get repetitive in tapping X and O throughout the entire game (although you use triangle to fly and jump and square to hover to the ground, and using R and clicking any of the 4 buttons on the left for a power, the game still mainly consists on those two buttons) which tends to make the game boring.
Overall, I think that this game is good, but many people might not like it, so they should try it first.