If you were disappointed with Untold Legends but love hack 'n' slash or comic book games, X-Men II is a solid investment

User Rating: 8.7 | X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse PSP
Gameplay: In my opinion, this game is the best of the few hack 'n' slash games on PSP right now. I was a little disappointed with Untold Legends, but X-Men II avoids much of the monotony to which UL fell victim. As with the first X-Men, the four mutant party system injects more breadth in stat and skill development compared to similar games.

Graphics: Not the comic-y style of the consoles, the PSP continues to astound me with its graphic capability. The small amount of cut-scenes and general appearance during gameplay is beautiful for the most part. However, the frame-rate slows down after pausing for an extended period of time or when there are a large number of characters on the screen at one time. The problem only lasts for 30 seconds or so, but it still interuppts the flow of the game a little bit.

Sound: Truth be told, I often don't pay attention to the music and sounds during a game unless it has a licensed track list (case in point: THPS and THUG), but the voice acting in X Men II is great. The voices fit the characters well, and the in-game commentary from the characters is varied enough to make it a pleasant addition to the formula.

Value: When PSP first launched, I was daunted by the $50 price tag for many of the franchise games, but X-Men II is one of the games that puts my fears to rest. The single player campaign is lengthy, meaty, and full of enough sidequests and collectibles that took me almost 40 hours to complete. I haven't fully dove into the online aspect, but it definitely adds a solid element of replayability to an already great package.